Things Your Clients Won’t Want to Leave Home Without
Automated Alerting System Let your clients know that even when they can’t be watching everything, your system can be — and will email them alerts for any parameters they choose. Whether it’s low fuel, excessive speed, or anything else they want to monitor, we’ve got your back — and you’ve got theirs.
Industry-leading Geofencing Features and landmarks in the real world seldom fall into perfect circles. Let your potential clients know you can offer them industry-leading geofencing capabilities, including the ability to draw them in any shape desired — not just by picking a point and defining the radius of a circle. They can also assign custom colors to multiple geofences, making visualization on the mapping and tracking interface that much easier.
Transportation Go the extra mile with the increased fuel economy and improved fleet efficiency you’ll gain from GlobalTrackindo GPS tracking solution for the transportation industry, while at the same time lowering risks and bettering regulatory compliance.
Government , Our LBS solution for government is specifically designed for all agencies and supports security, emergency, infrastructure, law enforcement, and a variety of other tracking applications. Better manage crises, and make better decisions with GlobalTrackindo.
Utilities , Maximize the productivity of utilities equipment and personnel with our GPS tracking solution for utilities, featuring integrated work order management. Optimize routes and improve operations and disaster and storm response with high accountability.
We provide 2 year warranty and service for all products and services purchased from us . Make sure all the products that you buy comes with Sticker / Warranty Card / Invoice / Ticket Support from us ( GlobalTrackindo ) . In addition to the print version for the customer , the provisions of this warranty we mention on this website so that potential customers can find out. Note warranty and service provided , if you are not clear immediately confirm to our party .
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Mohon dikirimkan penawaran harga beserta info produk GPS tracker untuk dipasang dimobil, dan bisa dipantau melalui android.. Dikirimkan melalui email saya
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