We Have Solution For Coorporate With Technology Cloud Server GPS Tracking System Fleet Management
The development of technology brings many changes vary greatly from year to year, it’s time your company running quietly in the swift competition in the field of technology brings dampat gains in all industrial sectors of transport such as the speed of delivery of goods, by facilitating access to travel up to the systematic management of a fleet of lots ranging from care , fees online, as well as checking the driver in question in performing its duties
![Icon Transportation | GlobalTrackindo](https://globaltrackindo.com/wp-content/uploads/Icon-Transportation.png)
transportation the extra mile with the increased fuel economy and improved fleet efficiency you’ll gain from GlobalTrackindo GPS tracking solution for the transportation industry, while at the same time lowering risks and bettering regulatory compliance.
![Icon Goverment | GlobalTrackindo](https://globaltrackindo.com/wp-content/uploads/Icon-Goverment.png)
Our LBS solution for government is specifically designed for all agencies and supports security, emergency, infrastructure, law enforcement, and a variety of other tracking applications. Better manage crises, and make better decisions.Get Now Not Tomorrow !
![Icon Utilities | GlobalTrackindo](https://globaltrackindo.com/wp-content/uploads/Icon-Utilities.png)
Maximize the productivity of utilities equipment and personnel with our GPS tracking solution for utilities, featuring integrated work order management. Optimize routes and improve operations and disaster and storm response with high accountability.
![Icon Cable & Telecom | GlobalTrackindo](https://globaltrackindo.com/wp-content/uploads/Icon-Cable-Telecom.png)
Cable & Telecom
Our GPS tracking platform can dispatch the closest available worker to a location, and send customers a dedicated link so that they can track where a service member is currently located. Increase customer satisfaction like you never thought possible.
GPS tracking platform allows construction companies to track vehicles and assets both during the workday and when in storage through the use of durable GPS devices that will stand up to any job site, increasing efficiencies and reducing fraud and waste.
Heavy Equipment
expensive equipment is key for heavy equipment owners. Now businesses can have peace of mind by securing it with a GPS tracking system and maintaining a constant awareness of both where their equipment is at all times and the conditions it’s operating in
Oil, Gas & Mining
GPS tracking software allows Operations to keep track of locations in the field and of equipment moving in and out of mining areas, as well as to personally track miners and other personnel working in potentially dangerous areas.Lets Get Use As Possible secure and under control.
Companies that make their profit by delivering goods need to move them from location to location in the most efficient, economical way. This means that employers must make sure that there are no inefficient practices that take place in there delivery companies.
Available Custom Development, Build APP, IoT, Integration Server, Smart City, Camera Realtime, Biometric Face, Google Maps API, Report Custom Or Other ? Email To info@globaltrackindo.com
19 Responses
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Saya tertarik dengan gps tracker, mohon info harga, biaya perbulan dll.tolong email
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Apakah ada tombol panic button yang dapat membuat truk mati mesin (remote melalui sms) ?
saya sedang mencari GPS tracker untuk kendaraan saya. boleh kirimkan jenis alat dan spesifikasinya. thanks
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Baik Pak Reno ,
Segara kami emailkan untuk GPS Tracker Alat Berat
mohon di email info jenis dan price list GPS tracker untuk kendaraan 4WD pick up.trims
saya tertarik dengan gps tracking decive untuk mobil pengiriman seperti ankel dan doble. tolong kirimkan price list k saya. terima kasih.
Saya ingin menggunakan GPS traker di armada bus kami yang akan beroperasi pada trayek Tangerang / jakarta / Bogor menuju Madiun / Ponorogo / jawa timur. Dan GPS traker yang dapat memonitor speed limit , panas mesin , bahan bakar dan kamera untuk di dalam kabin bus.Mohon kirimkan informasi lengkap ke email saya . terima kasih.
Mohon hubungi saya untuk informasi mengenai harga promosi, Spec barang dan fungsi ke kudaterbang@hotmail.com
Bagaimana cara setting agar tampilan odometer realtime muncul.
Di layar monitor terlihat Engine OFF, padahal mobil sedang jalan.
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mohon info penjelasan tentang fungsi-fungsi pengungunaan aplikasi dari gps + harganya. thx
Mohon info, apakah melayani pemasangan di Sumatra, Sulawesi dan Kalimantan ?
Apakah di Bandung ada sales rep? Tolong info berikut harga GPS untuk mobil truck. Apakah ada paket promo tertentu? Terima kasih.
Kami perusahaan kontrator di Papua dengan ratusan dumptruck dan alat berat..bisa email penjelasan fitur fiturnya serta harga alat dan biaya abudemennya pertahun
mohon info mengenai fitur dan harga
Mohon email untuk harga dan kelebihan dari alat tracking yang ditawarkan untuk alat berat